Sunday 16 November 2008

Religiosity and weefee

This entry is written after the fact. I just neglected to make notes, but this is how I remember it.

Strasbourg, France is kind of a dull place on a Sunday afternoon. I gather it's a town that takes is religion seriously as it's dominated by a massive cathederal - too big to get in one frame so it looks a little scarier in pastiche than up close, but daunting nonetheless.

It was very nice then when Molodoi was good and full for our show. Stephane, the promoter, produced the cutest poster we've ever had and I loved it- it had absolutely nothing to do with music, unless one was to compare the stuff we do with a dial tone. There's probably someone out there that would. The picture of Aidan and I is one that Matthew Smith initially drew of us as an avatar on a web forum. He's also coming up with some complicated artwork for an upcoming album of ours.

Whiling away our hours in the club we inquired about wifi access and nobody had any clue as to what we were looking for. That is until Stephane made the connection - "ahh...weefee?"

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